Rabbi Paul Kipnes

Calabasas, CA

Rabbi Paul Kipnes, spiritual leader of Congregation Or Ami in Calabasas, CA, has been blogging since 2006. (He credits Josh, then an intern at Or Ami, with encouraging him to get started.) For its entire history, his blog was hosted with Blogger. In 2015, with a daily readership in the thousands and a new book about to be published, Paul was ready to transition to a new site.

Josh migrated all of the blog’s content — including over 900 posts, hundreds of graphics, and all organizational structure (post categories, for example) — to a new site powered by WordPress. The migration included post-by-post domain forwarding (so links to old posts forward to their locations in the new site), and thorough optimization for search engines and social media. Josh also created custom designs, including specialized page templates for material related to Paul’s book, Jewish Spiritual Parenting. (The entire site’s design is based on the book’s cover art, especially visible in these special templates.) The site launched just three weeks from Josh’s initial involvement in the project.



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